High School Planning
Schedule changes
- Students should be sure they want to take the classes for which they register. The master schedule is determined by student requests each year. Therefore, the availability to change classes is very limited.
- Schedule changes are permitted ONLY within the first five days of each semester. After five days, scheduling changes must be approved by administration and are only done in extraordinary circumstances.
Scheduling dates
- December: current 9th graders
- February: current 10th graders
- Early March: current 8th graders
- March: current 11th graders
**Schedules are not finalized until summer**
KCTC enrollment
- Counselors present information about Kent Career Technical Center in 10th grade English classes in the fall.
- Students have the opportunity to visit KCTC via site tours and attend an Open House.
- Students can request enrollment in February prior to their junior or senior year.